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Friday, February 22, 2013

Magical Happiness

    You are born great! Express the greatness you are by choosing the activities, people, places and things that incite happiness. Children are usually very happy, exploring the world around them. Somehow humans entrain themselves to the vibration of the people around them. For some happiness becomes elusive as if being joyful requires we take something outside ourselves. What would it take to be joyful regardless of the circumstances and attitudes around you? 


    I ran into a childhood friend the other day. He explained he felt he had a heroin addiction. I listened. He talked of his family and the success of his many cousins' and how he felt like a failure. He said he felt he wasn't able to provide for his daughter and he couldn't afford an apartment. I listened wanting to connect the dots. "So what you are saying is if you had access to a better life you wouldn't choose heroin"? "Yes", he replied. "And because you don't have a new car and a beautiful home and more money you use heroin"? Again he said "Yes". Lightness filled the space. "No", I said "You would probably use it." Many people have addictions of every kind from many socioeconomic backgrounds.
   What if being joyful invites the energy of wealth and money into our lives? Have you noticed
 when your happy people are willing to share more with you and sometimes gift your body positive energy? Instead of deciding, "I will only be happy when I have the right car, right relationship, and right job", what if you chose to be grateful for the possibilities available to you now?   
  Serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in the digestive tract, the central nervous system, blood platelets and the pineal gland, deep at the center of the brain. There are ways to increase the levels of serotonin in the body such as sun light, exercise, nutrient rich foods, and information, just to name a few. What else is possible?


Monday, February 4, 2013

Body Restoration III: Body as Liquid Light

Barbara Marciniak wrote in “The Bringers of The Dawn” that within the human cells is what we call light encoded filaments, fine gossamer threads of energy that carry information. Those words resonated with me because I knew that there was more intelligence to the body, it was more than a “bag of bones, organs and meat”. What she suggested was that within the cells of every human being there was the remembrance of each time space and dimension, place in which we existed and possibly the future existence as well. The body knows, is interconnected with every other aspect of your life as well, and will give you information about people.

In the 1970s, when biologists first glimpsed the landscape of human genes, they saw that the small pieces of DNA that coded for proteins (known as exons) seemed to float like bits of wood in a sea of genetic gibberish which accounts for the 95 percent of human DNA that is termed junk DNA. What is this? What do I do with it?  Can I activate it? And if so how do I activate it?
It may be that the space termed “oneness” is found through a connection with the body. Throughout history many religions churches and cults have taught others to disconnect from the body as though the body is vile, sinful. What if the body is more conscious than you are? If your body is a sensory organism one of its jobs would be to gift you information about the external world and the internal world.
Let us take for instance pain. Is pain a reality or invention? Is pain the body’s way of communicating with us when we ignore light brushes of awareness? You could ask, “Body, what are you trying to tell me with this intensity?” What capacities does your body have that you haven’t unlocked?
Your body will tell you what it would like to eat and who it would like to eat. Could it be that through the loss of connection with the body that we have also lost our connection with the earth?   How many fixed points of view do you have that are creating the stiffness and aging that is? And if you let go of those fixed points of view go would your body change and become more fluid, more at ease like liquid light or infinite spaciousness?

Marciniak, Barbara (1992) Bringers of The Dawn. Rochester Vermont: Bear & Company