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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Demystifying the World of the Psychic

There have been many times in life when I had a sense something would happen and it did. Those times the occurrence didn’t take place were happenings that affected others’ world's like my brothers or someone else close to me…

Many times the awareness's came in the form of a dream, sometimes a sensation, or perhaps just instantaneous knowing. What do you know, that you are refusing to acknowledge you know, that if you acknowledged you knew it, would change your reality? At one time I became aware that I could “read” others when I was in elementary school…

I met a young boy who was starving himself. He recently checked into the hospital and was diagnosed with an eating disorder. He cared for his mother a great deal. He was unaware of the power and potency of his caring and had unconsciously formed an eating disorder. He was so aware of his mothers dissatisfaction with her body that he literally took the judgement she had of her body, out of her body, the compulsory thought patterns, the need to lose weight and developed anorexia nervosa. He began starving himself to lose weight. He was not overweight and an adolescent.

I had the awareness as an adolescent that I could share thoughts. I didn’t have the information that this was possible, no one ever said, “Honey there is this thing called “telepathy”, so I shut off the awareness that I could share thoughts, and bought every perception I had as my own. I wondered around the world with thousands of conflicting desires and moods. I learned meditation and that helped. I practiced yoga to deal with the influx of awareness my body and I assumed. One other such tool I have been playing with is, Who does this belong too? Return to sender.

I asked, Who Does This Belong Too?, then said, Return to Sender, to every thought feeling and emotion I had for three days and I became a walking talking meditation.
We are all infinite awareness. Sometimes people born with great awareness cut off their awareness with drugs and alcohol. It seems as though most of this reality is set up to maintain unconsciousness.  

What would you be, know, perceive and receive if you choose total awareness? What would your life be like if you could return all  the thoughts feelings and emotions that are not yours? Would your life be lighter? Would work be easier, more peaceful, fun? Would there be more space for you to show up as the infinite being you truly be?

What can you do to increase your awareness? How aware are you willing to be? 100% aware or 1000% aware? What if you were so aware that you knew the day a close friend would die? Could you change it? Some people are so aware they are willing to receive the communication of those who have passed and can read several potential futures.  This reality makes it strange and calls them psychics or they are labeled disorder because they don't know how to grapple with the huge influx of data they are receiving. 

What if psychics are people who are willing to have more awareness than everyone else and what if total awareness were accessible to all?

Use this tool during volatile times and see what shifts for you.

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